Monday, September 6, 2010

Sari Albee

I, much like a lot of you, have not yet received my copy of The Golden Bough, however, Amazon has promised it will arrive shortly! Fingers crossed.

That said, I will go directly to my thoughts on Book I and Book II of the Metamorphosis. One of the ideas that had the most profound effect on me was the idea that humans today are unoriginal. We are complete copycats of our ancestors and there are only slight hiccups that truly point out our differences.  It is amazing that we have all been assigned to read the Metamorphosis of Ovid that takes stories from a time most of us cannot even imagine, and yet we can still apply those ideas and stories to our lives today.  They are completely comprehensive and have a way of latching onto a memory or feeling you or I have probably experienced.  There are tales of love, happiness, loneliness, despair, and even adultery.  Although it might seem like a silly adultery reference, a blockbuster film titled Easy A will be opening in theaters next week based on the book The Scarlet Letter, which is further based on ancient mythologies like the one where Jove entices the beautiful virgin nymph, only to be caught by his intimidating wife Juno.  It is a typical story of a cheater: the man who is looking for something more, the angry wife, the other woman, on-and-on...blah blah get the point.  All of the tales have an origin though, and each generation has experienced these human feelings, only hoping that their tale will be one that is remembered.  If we are so truly unoriginal, I should hope that we can at least learn from past mistakes and triumphs and aim to take the hardships out of the world and (here is my World Peace bit) maybe return to a time similar to the Golden Age.

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