October 12, 2010
Myth Notes
Relationship between reality and the imagination
Foreground Information: general information that gives a general setting for the story (ies) to come
Europa=sister of Cadmus, granddaughter of Io(who had also been turned into a bull while dealing with Jove)
Painting by Tesha: The rape of Europa
Ekphrasis:: a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art
Minerva (to the Romans)(Athena, to the Greeks)-the daddy’s girl & Arachne
-“to praise is less rewarding than receiving praise” Minerva—she’s a bitch!
-Arachne claimed she was a more talented weaver than the great goddess Minerva-foreshadowing for awful things to happen to those who claim to be greater than a god
Hubris: extreme haughtiness or arrogance
Corrine’s parents: Christine & Tom
Mentor: a teacher or helper, an experienced or trusted advisor
Painting: Velazquez’s Spinners
Persian Story Teller: “This was so (logos), and this wasn’t so (mythos), It happened, and it didn’t happen”
I.e.: Aladdin
Pagan (Secular) Tradition: human beings>gods –Ovid is in this tradition!
Religious Traditions (Christians and Jews): humans should be submissive to the gods
In her contest, Minerva depicts the hill of Mars (pg. 180)
-1. The glory of the gods, herself in particular. 2. Shows what happens when mortals contest against the gods
Moral: didactic: designed or intended to teach-- you will respect the gods or else!
Arachne’s depiction: Shows the victims of the gods and how they use their power to be deceitful, they are immoral and they commit awful crimes
-Her painting was better which ANGERED Minerva: she hung Arachne and turned her into a spider
Mendala: Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.
Perfidy: treachery, duplicity, deceit, infidelity, faithlessness
Assignment for Presentation: The background of a mythological story
-We will be assigned a story and will become EXPERTS on the story and give a 1 min presentation about the story. Know it forward and backward, research it, make it apart of your being!
A shining gold basket from generations past, given to Europa, if she would have looked in the basket, she would have realized
-Painted in the basket, 2 men were watching a heifer swimming in an ocean with a young virgin girl, Zeus was also in the painting—the story of Io! (Europa’s great-great-great grandmother)
Myth: you discover from which story you come!
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